■ 拉致被害者考 ■

渡久地 政司

     T章 事件を整理する
1) 共和国側からの経緯

2) 帰国した5人とその関係家族



共和国が公表するまで、A・B・C家族のこどもたちは、日本国籍がなかった。日本政府は、特例でこどもたちの日本戸籍を作成し、「日本国籍人」にしたらしい。 共和国側の取り扱いを推理する。




U章  共和国側にも一理有り、としても…
@ 「拉致事件」が発生した時期、南北朝鮮半島では、休戦中とはいえ「戦争状態(体制)」下にあり、双方が「拉致合戦」を各国各地で行っていた。例、韓国のKCIA(政府情報機関)が東京都内のホテルから「金大中氏」を白昼、拉致した。
A 「金大中氏拉致事件」に対して、日本政府は、真相解明と責任追及を放棄し、「政治的解決」をはかった。このことが共和国をして、日本政府の「拉致事件」の姿勢が甘い、という認識にさせた。
B 共和国と日本は、戦争(間接的に)状態にあった。日本による過去の「償い」もなされていなかった。


V章 共和国がなすべきことは日韓両国も…

    W 解決の方法、選択肢は多い方がよい
@ 解決の方法のすべてを日本政府に全面委任。
A 5人の家族のことだけでなく、「拉致事件」のすべて「一括解決」。
@ 日本政府以外からの共和国情報、コンタクトに対して「不快感」を表わし、拒絶姿勢をとっている。
A 共和国で生活している家族、亡くなったと伝えられた日本人の真相究明、他の行方不明者、元アメリカ兵の処遇まで一括解決を主張している。

X ≪わたしの考え≫
イ 国際赤十字社・日朝赤十字による
ロ 韓国政府と歩調をとる
ハ 民間交流(非政治)をとうして
ニ 日・朝両国政府の直接交渉と交流によって

イ 国際赤十字社・日朝赤十字による
@ 家族A・B・Cと日本政府が一番嫌がることだが、解決を「国際赤十字・日朝赤十字」に「委託」する。真に人道上の問題として、政治が絡む(選挙をからませない)ことを避ける。共和国も「過去の償い・賠償」を絡まさせない。
A 解決し易いものから解決する。
B 少女の場合。生きている人間の今後を優先する。次に亡くなったといわれる少女の母親のことは、別扱いとする。少女の父親は、共和国籍と推察される。少女は共和国籍を所有していると思われる。
C 亡くなった、といわれている人達のこと。「生きていると信じる」という強い主張を



2003-12-24 Abduction victim 考 Toguchi Masashi T chapter The 1) which puts an event in order The longitude and latitude from the republic state The republic top admitted that there was a Japanese Korea (in the following, republic) made "kidnap", and I apologized, and allowed 5 Japanese to return to Japan temporarily. And a republic explained as follows about a related matter. (1) The problem which will be future about status of 5 related family (I live at a republic.) (2) Besides there was also a Japanese who kidnaped, but I had died already, and a grave flowed by a natural disaster, and became extinct. (3) The Japanese on whom the Japanese side insists doesn't exist in anything but an announcement. "All abduction issue" was settled by this. 2) 5 people who returned home and the related family 2 sets of married couple makes 4 people of inside of 5 people who returned home A and the B family. 1 person makes it a lady (mother) and the C family. I'll think about the≪ race, culture and the nationality≫ about the child of A, B and the C family living on a republic and a husband of C. ≪ The race ≫ A, B family in case of, my parents and a child are the Japanese kind. C family in case of and child's mother, the Japanese kind and a father, the American kind (The expression which is so isn't correct, it's used like a convenience.) Such child is usually called "half" or "Amerasian" by Japanese society. ≪ Parents of culture ≫ A and the B family and a mother of the C family grew up by Japanese culture until adolescence. The language, the meal, the culture (education) and the social life were culture of republic society, and a child grew up. ≪ There were no Japanese nationalities for children of A, B and the C family until the nationality ≫ a republic published it. Japanese Government seems to have made children's Japanese family census register by a special case and have made it "Japanese nationality person". Handling of republic state is infered. Which are A and child in case of of the B family, a Japanese nationality, the republic nationality and statelessness? A Japanese nationality, the republic nationality and the American nationality are scheduled, and stateless which is child in case of of the C family? ≪ I think it's good that children of my view ≫ related family of A, B and C choose the future as the will and decide about the nationality and residence based on the≪ race, culture and the nationality≫. When a Japanese nationality was given while having no one's own agreement and confirmation of will, won't Japanese Government be "infringement of human rights" like child in case of and hearsay of the C family? 3)≪ the explanation≫ of a republic is considered. The(1) There was the explanation of a≪ republic≫ a Japanese who was also kidnaped by other ones, but I had died already, and a grave flowed by a natural disaster and became extinct. ≪ The explanation of my view ≫ a republic is insufficient. That I kidnaped and was doing everything after that by what kind of reason or that the person himself got what kind of attitude should strike the pose which is also sincere about the cause of death and washing away in a grave. 4)≪ the explanation≫ of a republic is considered. The(2) The explanation≫ of a≪ republic "The Japanese on whom the Japanese side insists doesn't exist in anything but an announcement."≪ my view≫ "I'm here." "I'm not here." is "endless dispute". As far as "suspicion" is left in the Japanese side, various "inference" "guess" is born, and an event leaves its traces. U chapter Even if there is also some truth in republic state, there is also some truth in... republic state. Of it'll be given. (1) By the time and the North and South Korea peninsula "kidnapping event" generated, whole armistice but, it was under "state of war (system)", and both were doing "kidnapping battle" at each country all part. Broad daylight kidnaped "Mr. Kim Dae-jung" from the hotel where an example and Korean KCIA (government intelligence agency) are in Tokyo-to. (2) Japanese Government gave up truth explication and a responsibility search and planned for "political solution" to "Mr. Kim Dae-jung, kidnapping event". This thing did a republic and made them make it the recognition that's sweet. (3) A republic and Japan were in the war (indirectness) state. "Compensation" in the past by Japan wasn't also accomplished. ≪ I think in my view≫ "favorable", and there is also some truth in a republic from these backgrounds, even if it's done, "Japanese kidnapping event" by a republic isn't "It's put to the permitted question-lessness." Some truth is only some truth thoroughly and a remaining part is too big. V chapter That the thing a republic should accomplish makes the publication of the fact fact that a republic should also do... both countries of Japan and the Republic of Korea and the responsibility clear and doesn't make them recur, it's promised clearly and there is compensation obligation (responsibility). The thing Japanese Government should do I should reconsider the "political determination" Japanese Government took by "Mr. Kim Dae-jung, kidnapping event" first and publish a truth. ≪ Many mysterious events seem to have occurred at my view ≫ the other day, a republic, Korea and a Japanese-style room. Mr. Kim Dae-jung seems to have been doing "kidnapping battle" by the whole world as well as an event for a republic and Korea. They seem to have kidnaped a Korean resident in Japan and Japanese in Japan. (These thing has no conclusive evidence. Only the inference that I say "seem" can be done). "I had that or." whether I "didn't have" that here, it isn't possible to prove. By the target by which a "republic" chisel is blame for my wanting to insist here It's said that the responsibility investigation of truth and fact have to announce the mysterious event Korea where I cry, Japan and United States also generated the other day to which officially is here. When not doing "compensation" as compensation in the past to the people with a republic promptly, there are no forces for Japanese Government to request these responsibility of an event and compensation of a republic. W It's better to be a lot for a way of a solution and the choices Even if a remark has the difference in NIYUWANSU for 5 people who returned home, it's same mostly. (1) Everything of a solved way is entrusted to Japanese Government completely. (2) Everything of "kidnapping event" as well as 5 family "lumping solution". (1) shows "unpleasant feeling" to republic information from all except for Japanese Government and contact from here, and the refusal pose is being struck. (2) I'm insisting on a lumping solution until investigation of truth of the family living on a republic and the Japanese who could tell to have passed away and treatment of other missing persons and a former American soldier. And "economic sanctions" should be added to a republic in December in 2003 now. Of I'm insisting. "Japan will support more that" with "marine inspection and blockade" and "the use of force by the United States" from now on, it's in the atmosphere which can be escalated. I think there are a Japanese opinion and mass communication in this tone mostly. ≪ My view ≫ this tone is a rigid idea and is the very dangerous worst choices. Maybe there may be much solved choices. I'll give some while thinking of X ≪ my expectation ≫ other choices. I It depends on International Red Cross and red cross of Japan and North Korea. RO The pace is taken for the Korean government. HA I ask about a private exchange (non-politics), please do. NI By a direct negotiation of Japan and morning government of two countries and an exchange. I It depends on International Red Cross and red cross of Japan and North Korea. (1) The family A, B, C and Japanese Government are to dislike it most, but I "will entrust" a solution to "International Red Cross and the red cross of Japan and North Korea". Masaji avoids tangling (Election isn't confused.) as a problem on the sidewalk truly. A republic doesn't also make them confuse "compensation in the past and compensation". (2) It's settled from something to tend to settle it. If I don't tangle, child in case of of the family A and B and politics may be easy to settle. In case of the family C. The former American soldier and oneself who are my husband make "International Red Cross" agency, discuss future and decide. A child trusts to his judgement about child's treatment. (3) Girl in case of. I'll give priority to living human future. Next the girl's mother who says that they passed away is made treatment as difference. Girl's father supposes the republic nationality. A girl seems to possess the republic nationality. (4) The people said that who passed away. There are no bases which "will deny" the strong assertion to say "I believe to live." Therefore a mass communication opinion and a politician put "duty" in this insistence. (The previous member of the House of Representatives election result. LDP candidate increases votes by siding with an enforcement remark, and the Social Democratic Party candidate who did an excuse from beginning to end conversely reduces a vote, a smashup, KI.), "Kidnapping event solution" becomes political hysteria and can run aground on a sunken rock. Moreover using a kidnapping event, a substantial revise of a constitution 9th article (change for the worse) has gone upstream the river. RO HA NI is only my "idea" such as such choices' being also here. I don't have the material which can just be argued. Anyway it's because a government thinks that isn't considered also you run the choices like RO HA NI down in the situation that it isn't possible, that it was raised. May not a government and the people argue RO HA NI seriously? You're pressing the politician who just made "kidnapping event" "plate with a crucifix to be trodden on" and mass communication for keeping quiet. I have to produce the place by "freedom of speech" where that's made. (It continues.) ● it was written only by the information they could know by a television newspaper, so when there is a slip, it's corrected.